Fire Department

Can I burn after dark?

No, daylight hours only. This means no smoldering fires after dark.

Can I burn in my burn barrel?

No, the state has outlawed burn barrels state wide.

Do I need a burn permit within the city limits of Omak to burn?


How many fire fighters does Omak have?

The Omak Volunteer Fire Department has 34 members and the Fire Chief as of July 2019. The members are also Fire District #3 volunteer firefighters.

How much do Fire Fighters make?

The volunteers are paid a stipened for during training and for fighting city fires.  The stipend is $15 per training night and $20 per City call.

How much does a burn permit cost?

Cost is $10.00 and the permit is good for one year from date of purchase.

How old must I be to join?

You must be at least 16 years old.

What can I burn?

Natural vegetation only. No processed wood, painted wood, plastics, garbage, diapers, in other words no house hold waste.

What do I do to join the Fire Department?

Contact the Fire Chief at his office,
16 N. Ash Street
8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. Monday through Friday except holidays.

What if I live outside the city limits, can I burn?

Outside the city limits is a large area. Within the confined area of Fire District #3 the same rules apply, only no permit is needed. Further out lays the jurisdiction of DNR, BIA, Forest Service and other fire districts. You need to contact the respective agency for burning in your area. At times a state wide burn ban will be put into effect by the DOE and that means no burning anywhere.

Numbers to call:
Department of Natural Resources (509) 684-7474
Forest Service (509) 486-2186
BIA (509) 634-3100
Your respective fire district
In all cases please call the Sheriff dispatch 422-7232 and advise them that you are going to have a controlled burn. Also, you cannot leave the fire unattended and there must be some source of water on site while you burn.

What other things do I need to know about joining?

You must have a valid Washington State drivers license, have a telephone, live within 3 miles of the fire station, take a physical exam which the city pays for and volunteer to take a drug test.

When does the Fire Department meet?

 Every Wednesday excluding holidays. The first Wednesday of each month we have a business meeting.

When is Training for Fire Fighters?

Our training nights are every Wenesday evening 7:00-9:00 p.m. 

Where and when can I get a burn permit?

At the fire station,
16 N. Ash Street
from 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. Monday through Friday except holidays.