City Weed Control Program

The goal of the City of Omak's weed control program is to conform to Okanogan County's noxious weed control policy. The removal of undesirable weeds is done by either chemical spray or mechanical means such as mowing. The City works directly with the Noxious Weed Control for effective herbicides to control the more difficult weeds such as baby's breath, Dalmatian toadflax, and knapweed. If noxious weeds are located on private property the noxious weed board will contact the property owner. The City will contact citizens on minor problems or refer them to commercial applicators for their needs.

Weed control is done by spraying with city equipment. The products used for weed control have to be rotated out periodically because weeds become tolerant of the chemicals.  Approximately 60% of chemical is applied in the parks, streets & alleys and airport 40% of the chemical is applied in the cemetery, police gun range, sewer treatment facility, river dike, and water department properties.